Casia® Software 2.1 Update

May 21, 2021

by Jason Hardy-Smith, VP of Product

The Iris Automation team is committed to continuous product improvement and innovation, based on the latest regulatory frameworks and customer feedback. To that end, we’ll be posting regular updates when Software versions are released, to keep you apprised of new and improved system capabilities. Casia Software supports Casia I and Casia X. It embeds algorithms that power our computer vision capabilities. FlightDeck is the SaaS user interface and management system for our Casia products.

With the commencement of Casia X shipments as of May 21st, 2021, we are excited to announce the releases of Casia Software Version 2.1, a major performance enhancement, which significantly reduces the chance of mid-air collisions with manned aircraft. Improve the performance, safety and reliability of your Casia I and Casia X systems by upgrading to the latest version now.

What’s new with Casia Software 2.1 and the latest release of FlightDeck:

Improved Detection Performance

This update increases detection rate performance by 7% and provides a 12x reduction in false detections. Version 2.1 supports multi-camera configurations for Casia X from 2 to 6 cameras, providing flexibility in field of regard.

Greater Precision

Casia now supports Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL) in addition to AGL and ATO as altitude reference options. Casia can take multiple Above Sea Level measurements from the Autopilot and use the most accurate reading.

Aircraft Encounter Visualization and Analysis

Use the visual aircraft encounter replay tool in FlightDeck to see intruder aircraft detected by Casia. View zoomed-in images of detected intruders, and download log files of telemetry and intruder data to analyze detections and air risk.

Next Steps

Casia Software 2.1 is generally available for supported customers by connecting the Casia device online and accessing FlightDeck.