- 1.38KM detection range for non-cooperative intruder aircraft
- Compatible with ADS-B for cooperative traffic
- Full optical situational awareness
- Real-time aircraft classification through Casia’s proprietary algorithms
- Intelligent autonomous avoidance by determining location, heading, and speed of intruder aircraft
- Built to meet emerging regulatory DAA performance standards
- Powered by cutting edge Computer Vision
- Machine Learning and Computer Vision architercture for industry-leading performance
- Tools to manage and replay flight data and intruder encounters
- Configurable device settings to customize behavior for specific mission profiles
- Ongoing software updates improve performance and capabilities over time
Tested Real-World Encounters
of Recorded Flight Data Training
new environment simulated encounters including rare and dangerous scenarios


1st commercially available computer vision Detect-and-Avoid system
Handles the toughest environments with high-end industrial components
Complete 360° radial obstacle detection and avoidance
Electro-optical system for daytime visual meteorological conditions (VMC)

Low C-SWaP design
Integrates with a multitude of airframes: multi-rotor, fixed-wing, and VTOL
Compatible with popular commercially available autopilots

Field of View
Horizontal: 80°, Vertical: 50°

1338m average, 2096m max


10W Nominal, 15W Peak

Module: 77mm (W) x 110mm (L) x 36mm (D)
Camera:6 0mm (W) x 60mm (L) x 105mm (D)

Field of Regard
Horizontal: 360°, Vertical: 50°

1381m average, 2004m max


65W Nominal, 70W Peak

Module: 103mm (W) x 168mm (L) x 52mm (D)
Camera: 60mm (W) x 60mm (L) x 105mm (D)
- Safely enable a wide-range of advanced long-distance operations, including Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) flight
- Increase mission safety and reduce exposure to risk
- Equip your flight program with best-in-class safety tools to meet unforeseen challenges of crowded airspace navigation