We power the world’s best drones to fly beyond line of sight
Building your commercial drone program to achieve BVLOS is a team sport. Iris Automation Casia systems play brilliantly with multirotor, fixed wing and VTOL aircraft and autopilot systems.
Validated UAV Platforms
Casia is platform-agnostic. The ultra low C-SWaP and plug-and-play modular design works with most aircraft. Iris Automation validated integrations can be performed pre or post-purchase of the aircraft.
Don’t see your platform? We’ve tested over 16 integrations, and are adding more every day! Contact us to discuss custom integration.
Supported Autopilots and Applications
Iris Automation Casia seamlessly integrates with open source and Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) autopilot systems.

BVLOS Partners

Canadian Drone Institute is an Iris Automation BVLOS partner. CDI provides training and remote pilot certification to help organizations advance their journey to BVLOS operations. Together with Iris Automation, they also deliver value-add services to simplify regulatory approvals, and integrate Casia Detect-and-Avoid technology.

Volatus Aerospace is an Iris Automation BVLOS partner and Approved Casia Distributor. Volatus Aerospace provides advanced training services combining theory and real-world practice in BVLOS operations, as well as remote pilot certification. Volatus holds multiple BVLOS SFOC approvals for providing in-field training at its facilities in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, and Prince Edward Island.
Join the leading consortium of BVLOS systems – the Casia Partner Program